Class for reading and writing encoded polylines. Create a new instance with the OpenLayers.Format.EncodedPolyline constructor.
Class for reading and writing encoded polylines. |
Properties | |
geometryType | {String} Geometry type to output. |
Constructor | |
Create a new parser for encoded polylines |
Functions | |
read | Deserialize an encoded polyline string and return a vector feature. |
decode | Deserialize an encoded string and return an array of n-dimensional points. |
write | Serialize a feature or array of features into a WKT string. |
encode | Serialize an array of n-dimensional points and return an encoded string |
encodeDeltas | Encode a list of n-dimensional points and return an encoded string |
decodeDeltas | Decode a list of n-dimensional points from an encoded string |
encodeFloats | Encode a list of floating point numbers and return an encoded string |
decodeFloats | Decode a list of floating point numbers from an encoded string |
encodeSignedIntegers | Encode a list of signed integers and return an encoded string |
decodeSignedIntegers | Decode a list of signed integers from an encoded string |
encodeUnsignedIntegers | Encode a list of unsigned integers and return an encoded string |
decodeUnsignedIntegers | Decode a list of unsigned integers from an encoded string |
Create a new parser for encoded polylines
options | {Object} An optional object whose properties will be set on this instance |
{OpenLayers.Format.EncodedPolyline} A new encoded polylines parser.
read: function( encoded )
Deserialize an encoded polyline string and return a vector feature.
encoded | {String} An encoded polyline string |
{OpenLayers.Feature.Vector} A vector feature with a linestring.
decode: function( encoded, dims, opt_factor )
Deserialize an encoded string and return an array of n-dimensional points.
encoded | {String} An encoded string |
dims | {int} The dimension of the points that are returned |
{Array(Array(int))} An array containing n-dimensional arrays of coordinates.
encode: function ( points, dims, opt_factor )
Serialize an array of n-dimensional points and return an encoded string
points | {Array(Array(int))} An array containing n-dimensional arrays of coordinates |
dims | {int} The dimension of the points that should be read |
{String} An encoded string
encodeDeltas: function( numbers, dimension, opt_factor )
Encode a list of n-dimensional points and return an encoded string
Attention: This function will modify the passed array!
numbers | {Array.<number>} A list of n-dimensional points. |
dimension | {number} The dimension of the points in the list. |
opt_factor | {number=} The factor by which the numbers will be multiplied. The remaining decimal places will get rounded away. |
{string} The encoded string.
decodeDeltas: function( encoded, dimension, opt_factor )
Decode a list of n-dimensional points from an encoded string
encoded | {string} An encoded string. |
dimension | {number} The dimension of the points in the encoded string. |
opt_factor | {number=} The factor by which the resulting numbers will be divided. |
{Array.<number>} A list of n-dimensional points.
encodeFloats: function( numbers, opt_factor )
Encode a list of floating point numbers and return an encoded string
Attention: This function will modify the passed array!
numbers | {Array.<number>} A list of floating point numbers. |
opt_factor | {number=} The factor by which the numbers will be multiplied. The remaining decimal places will get rounded away. |
{string} The encoded string.
Deserialize an encoded polyline string and return a vector feature.
read: function( encoded )
Deserialize an encoded string and return an array of n-dimensional points.
decode: function( encoded, dims, opt_factor )
Serialize a feature or array of features into a WKT string.
write: function( features )
Serialize an array of n-dimensional points and return an encoded string
encode: function ( points, dims, opt_factor )
Encode a list of n-dimensional points and return an encoded string
encodeDeltas: function( numbers, dimension, opt_factor )
Decode a list of n-dimensional points from an encoded string
decodeDeltas: function( encoded, dimension, opt_factor )
Encode a list of floating point numbers and return an encoded string
encodeFloats: function( numbers, opt_factor )
Decode a list of floating point numbers from an encoded string
decodeFloats: function( encoded, opt_factor )
Encode a list of signed integers and return an encoded string
encodeSignedIntegers: function( numbers )
Decode a list of signed integers from an encoded string
decodeSignedIntegers: function( encoded )
Encode a list of unsigned integers and return an encoded string
encodeUnsignedIntegers: function( numbers )
Decode a list of unsigned integers from an encoded string
decodeUnsignedIntegers: function( encoded )