OpenLayers. Layer. UTFGrid

This Layer reads from UTFGrid tiled data sources.  Since UTFGrids are essentially JSON-based ASCII art with attached attributes, they are not visibly rendered.  In order to use them in the map, you must add a OpenLayers.Control.UTFGrid control as well.


var world_utfgrid = new OpenLayers.Layer.UTFGrid({
    url: "/tiles/world_utfgrid/${z}/${x}/${y}.json",
    utfgridResolution: 4,
    displayInLayerSwitcher: false

var control = new OpenLayers.Control.UTFGrid({
    layers: [world_utfgrid],
    handlerMode: 'move',
    callback: function(dataLookup) {
        // do something with returned data

Inherits from

OpenLayers. Layer. UTFGrid This Layer reads from UTFGrid tiled data sources.
isBaseLayer Default is false, as UTFGrids are designed to be a transparent overlay layer.
projection {OpenLayers.Projection} Source projection for the UTFGrids.
url {String} URL tempate for UTFGrid tiles.
utfgridResolution {Number} Ratio of the pixel width to the width of a UTFGrid data point.
OpenLayers. Layer. UTFGrid Create a new UTFGrid layer.
Functions and Properties
clone Create a clone of this layer
getFeatureInfo Get details about a feature associated with a map location.
getFeatureId Get the identifier for the feature associated with a map location.



Default is false, as UTFGrids are designed to be a transparent overlay layer.


{OpenLayers.Projection} Source projection for the UTFGrids.  Default is “EPSG:900913”.


{String} URL tempate for UTFGrid tiles.  Include x, y, and z parameters.  E.g.  “/tiles/${z}/${x}/${y}.json”


{Number} Ratio of the pixel width to the width of a UTFGrid data point.  If an entry in the grid represents a 4x4 block of pixels, the utfgridResolution would be 4.  Default is 2 (specified in OpenLayers.Tile.UTFGrid).


OpenLayers. Layer. UTFGrid

Create a new UTFGrid layer.


config {Object} Configuration properties for the layer.

Required configuration properties

url {String} The url template for UTFGrid tiles.  See the url property.

Functions and Properties


clone: function ( obj )

Create a clone of this layer


obj {Object} Only used by a subclass of this layer.


{OpenLayers.Layer.UTFGrid} An exact clone of this OpenLayers.Layer.UTFGrid


Get details about a feature associated with a map location.  The object returned will have id and data properties.  If the given location doesn’t correspond to a feature, null will be returned.


location {OpenLayers.LonLat} map location


{Object} Object representing the feature id and UTFGrid data corresponding to the given map location.  Returns null if the given location doesn’t hit a feature.


getFeatureId: function( location )

Get the identifier for the feature associated with a map location.


location {OpenLayers.LonLat} map location


{String} The feature identifier corresponding to the given map location.  Returns null if the location doesn’t hit a feature.

Methods for coordinate transforms between coordinate systems.
clone: function ( obj )
Create a clone of this layer
getFeatureId: function( location )
Get the identifier for the feature associated with a map location.
This Control provides behavior associated with UTFGrid Layers.
The XYZ class is designed to make it easier for people who have tiles arranged by a standard XYZ grid.
Instances of OpenLayers.Tile.UTFGrid are used to manage UTFGrids.
{String} URL tempate for UTFGrid tiles.
Create a new UTFGrid layer.
This class represents a longitude and latitude pair