S | |
save, OpenLayers. |
Save, OpenLayers. |
saveState, OpenLayers. |
scale | |
Scale, OpenLayers. |
ScaleLine, OpenLayers. |
scales, OpenLayers. |
scope, OpenLayers. |
Script, OpenLayers. |
selectFeature, OpenLayers. |
SelectFeature, OpenLayers. |
selectionSymbolizer, OpenLayers. |
selectStyle, OpenLayers. |
separator | |
serverResolutions | |
serviceTypes, OpenLayers. |
serviceVersion, OpenLayers. |
setAttributeNS, OpenLayers. |
setBackgroundColor | |
setBaseLayer, OpenLayers.Map | |
setBorder, OpenLayers. |
setCenter, OpenLayers.Map | |
setCode, OpenLayers.Lang | |
setDefaultStyle, OpenLayers. |
setFeature, OpenLayers. |
setFeatureType, OpenLayers. |
setFilter, OpenLayers. |
setGeometryName, OpenLayers. |
setHandler, OpenLayers. |
setImage, OpenLayers. |
setImmediate, OpenLayers. |
setIsBaseLayer, OpenLayers. |
setLayer | |
setLayerIndex, OpenLayers.Map | |
setLayers, OpenLayers. |
setMap | |
setMapObjectCenter | |
setMaxFeatures, OpenLayers. |
setName, OpenLayers. |
setOpacity | |
setOptions | |
setOrigin, OpenLayers. |
setRatio, OpenLayers. |
setRotation, OpenLayers. |
setSize | |
setSource, OpenLayers. |
setSpacing, OpenLayers. |
setTileSize | |
setUrl | |
setVisibility | |
show | |
sides, OpenLayers. |
simplify, OpenLayers. |
single | |
singleFile | |
SingleFile.js | |
singleTile | |
size, OpenLayers. |
Size, OpenLayers. |
sketchStyle, OpenLayers. |
SLDSelect, OpenLayers. |
slideFactor | |
slideRatio | |
smoothDragPan, OpenLayers. |
snapAngle, OpenLayers. |
Snapping, OpenLayers. |
snapToggle, OpenLayers. |
SOS, OpenLayers. |
SOSCapabilities, OpenLayers. |
SOSGetFeatureOfInterest, OpenLayers. |
SOSGetObservation, OpenLayers. |
SOURCE_NODE, OpenLayers. |
sourceFilter, OpenLayers. |
space, OpenLayers. |
Spatial, OpenLayers. |
Spherical | |
sphericalMercator | |
Split, OpenLayers. |
SQL, OpenLayers. |
srsInBBOX | |
srsName | |
srsNameInQuery, OpenLayers. |
standalone, OpenLayers. |
start, OpenLayers. |
startPosition, OpenLayers. |
startsWith | |
stop, OpenLayers. |
stopDouble, OpenLayers. |
stopDown, OpenLayers. |
stopMove, OpenLayers. |
stopSingle, OpenLayers. |
Strategy, OpenLayers. |
stringifyOutput | |
strokeColor | |
strokeLinecap | |
strokeOpacity | |
strokeWidth | |
style | |
Style, OpenLayers. |
Style2, OpenLayers. |
styleFrom, OpenLayers. |
StyleMap, OpenLayers. |
suffix, OpenLayers. |
supported | |
SVG, OpenLayers. |
SVG2, OpenLayers. |
symbol, OpenLayers. |
Symbolizer, OpenLayers. |
Tell the layer protocol to commit unsaved features.
save: function( features )
Scales the bounds around a pixel or lonlat.
scale: function( ratio, origin )
Select a feature for modification in standalone mode.
selectFeature: function( feature )
Adds a new attribute or changes the value of an attribute with the given namespace and name.
setAttributeNS: function( node, uri, name, value )
setBackgroundColor:function( color )
setBackgroundColor:function( color )
Allows user to specify one of the currently-loaded layers as the Map’s new base layer.
setBaseLayer: function( newBaseLayer )
Set the map center (and optionally, the zoom level).
setCenter: function( lonlat, zoom, dragging, forceZoomChange )
Set the language code for string translation.
setCode: function( code )
Sets the default style for this style object.
setDefaultStyle: function( style )
Place the transformation box on a feature and start transforming it.
setFeature: function( feature, initialParams )
Change the feature type on the fly.
setFeatureType: function( featureType )
Update the filter for this strategy.
setFilter: function( filter )
Sets the geometryName option after instantiation.
setGeometryName: function( geometryName )
sets this.handlerMode and calls resetHandler()
setHandler: function( hm )
Sets the image element for this tile.
setImage: function( img )
Sets the immediate property.
setImmediate: function( immediate )
setIsBaseLayer: function( isBaseLayer )
Attach a new layer to the control, overriding any existing layers.
setLayer: function( layers )
Set the editable layer.
setLayer: function( layer )
Move the given layer to the specified (zero-based) index in the layer list, changing its z-index in the map display.
setLayerIndex: function ( layer, idx )
Set the layers on which the selection should be performed.
setLayers: function( layers )
setMap: function( map )
When the layer is added to a map, then we can fetch our origin (if we don’t have one.)
setMap: function( map )
Overridden from EventPane because we need to remove this yahoo event pane which prohibits our drag and drop, and we can only do this once the map has been loaded and centered.
setMap: function( map )
When the layer is added to a map, then we can fetch our origin (if we don’t have one.)
setMap: function( map )
Set the mapObject to the specified center and zoom
setMapObjectCenter: function( center, zoom )
Set the mapObject to the specified center and zoom
setMapObjectCenter: function( center, zoom )
Set the mapObject to the specified center and zoom
setMapObjectCenter: function( center, zoom )
Set the mapObject to the specified center and zoom
setMapObjectCenter: function( center, zoom )
Set the grid maxFeatures property and update the grid.
setMaxFeatures: function( maxFeatures )
Sets the new layer name for this layer.
setName: function( newName )
Sets the opacity for the entire layer (all images)
setOpacity: function( opacity )
Sets the opacity for the entire layer (all images)
setOpacity: function( opacity )
Sets the opacity for all the markers.
setOpacity: function( opacity )
Call the setOpacity method of the appropriate parent class to set the opacity.
setOpacity: function ( opacity )
setOpacity:function( opacity )
setOptions: function ( newOptions )
Change the map options
setOptions: function( options )
Set the grid origin property and update the grid.
setOrigin: function( origin )
Set the grid ratio property and update the grid.
setRatio: function( ratio )
Set the grid rotation property and update the grid.
setRotation: function( rotation )
setSize:function( contentSize )
setSize:function( contentSize )
Overridden here, because we need to update the blocks whenever the size of the popup has changed.
setSize:function( contentSize )
Set the source layer for edits layer.
setSource: function( layer )
Set the grid dx and dy properties and update the grid.
setSpacing: function( dx, dy )
Set the tile size based on the map size.
setTileSize: function( size )
Check if we are in singleTile mode and if so, set the size as a ratio of the map size (as specified by the layer’s ‘ratio’ property).
setTileSize: function( size )
setUrl: function( newUrl )
setUrl: function( newUrl )
Set the visibility flag for the layer and hide/show & redraw accordingly.
setVisibility: function( visibility )
Set the visibility flag for the layer and hide/show&redraw accordingly.
setVisibility: function( visibility, noEvent )
Set the visibility flag for the layer and hide/show & redraw accordingly.
setVisibility: function( visible )
show: function()
Overridden from Popup since user might hide popup and then show() it in a new location (meaning we might want to update the relative position on the show)
show: function()
This function will return a simplified LineString.
simplify: function( tolerance )
Plays the Tween, and calls the callback method on each step
start: function( begin, finish, duration, options )
Test whether a string starts with another string.
startsWith: function( str, sub )
Stops the Tween, and calls the done callback Doesn’t do anything if animation is already finished
stop: function()
Detect which property is used for a DOM style property
function style( property )
This should be overridden by specific subclasses
supported: function()
Determine whether a browser supports Gears
supported: function()
This should be overridden by specific subclasses
supported: function()
{Boolean} Whether or not the browser supports the renderer class
supported: function()
{Boolean} Whether or not the browser supports the SVG renderer
supported: function()
{Boolean} Whether or not the browser supports the SVG renderer
supported: function()
Determine whether a browser supports this renderer.
supported: function()