$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
  CacheRead, OpenLayers.Control.CacheRead.OpenLayers.Control
  cacheSize, OpenLayers.TileManager
  CacheWrite, OpenLayers.Control.CacheWrite.OpenLayers.Control
  calculateInRange, OpenLayers.Layer
  callbackKey, OpenLayers.Protocol.Script
  callbackPrefix, OpenLayers.Protocol.Script
  callbackTemplate, OpenLayers.Protocol.Script
  Canvas, OpenLayers.Renderer.Canvas.OpenLayers.Renderer
  center, OpenLayers.Control.TransformFeature
  ChainLink, OpenLayers.WPSProcess.ChainLink.OpenLayers.WPSProcess
  checkTags, OpenLayers.Format.OSM
  className, OpenLayers.Layer.Grid
  clearCache, OpenLayers.Control.CacheWrite.OpenLayers.Control.CacheWrite
  clearMouseCache, OpenLayers.Events
  clearOnDeactivate, OpenLayers.Control.SLDSelect
  click, OpenLayers.Control.GetFeature
  Click, OpenLayers.Handler.Click.OpenLayers.Handler
  clickHandlerOptions, OpenLayers.Control.TouchNavigation
  clickTolerance, OpenLayers.Control.GetFeature
  closeOnMove, OpenLayers.Popup
  Cluster, OpenLayers.Strategy.Cluster.OpenLayers.Strategy
  Collection, OpenLayers.Geometry.Collection.OpenLayers.Geometry
  collectionName, OpenLayers.Format.GML
  commitReport, OpenLayers.Layer.WFS
  Comparison, OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.OpenLayers.Filter
  components, OpenLayers.Geometry.Collection
  computeDistanceBetween, Spherical
  computeHeading, Spherical
  concatChildValues, OpenLayers.Format.XML
  configure, OpenLayers.WPSProcess
Global OpenLayers. Ajax.BaseOpenLayers. Ajax. RequestOpenLayers. Ajax. ResponseOpenLayers. BoundsOpenLayers. ControlOpenLayers. Control. ArgParserOpenLayers. Control. AttributionOpenLayers. Control. CacheReadOpenLayers. Control. CacheWriteOpenLayers. Control. DragFeatureOpenLayers. Control. DrawFeatureOpenLayers. Control. EditingToolbarOpenLayers. Control. GeolocateOpenLayers. Control. GetFeatureOpenLayers. Control. GraticuleOpenLayers. Control. KeyboardDefaultsOpenLayers. Control. LayerSwitcherOpenLayers. Control. MeasureOpenLayers. Control. ModifyFeatureOpenLayers. Control. MouseDefaultsOpenLayers. Control. MousePositionOpenLayers. Control. MouseToolbarOpenLayers. Control. NavigationOpenLayers. Control. NavigationHistoryOpenLayers. Control. NavToolbarOpenLayers. Control. OverviewMapOpenLayers. Control.PanOpenLayers. Control. PanelOpenLayers. Control. PanPanelOpenLayers. Control. PanZoomOpenLayers. Control. PanZoomBarOpenLayers. Control. PermalinkOpenLayers. Control. PinchZoomOpenLayers. Control. ScaleOpenLayers. Control. ScaleLineOpenLayers. Control. SelectFeatureOpenLayers. Control. SLDSelectOpenLayers. Control. SnappingOpenLayers. Control. SplitOpenLayers. Control. TouchNavigationOpenLayers. Control. TransformFeatureOpenLayers. Control. UTFGridOpenLayers. Control. WMSGetFeatureInfoOpenLayers. Control. WMTSGetFeatureInfoOpenLayers. Control. ZoomPanelOpenLayers. EventsOpenLayers. Events. buttonclickOpenLayers. Events. featureclickOpenLayers. FeatureOpenLayers. Feature. VectorOpenLayers. Feature.WFSOpenLayers. FilterOpenLayers. Filter. ComparisonOpenLayers. Filter. FeatureIdOpenLayers. Filter. FunctionOpenLayers. Filter. LogicalOpenLayers. Filter. SpatialOpenLayers. FormatOpenLayers. Format. ArcXMLOpenLayers. Format. ArcXML. FeaturesOpenLayers. Format.AtomOpenLayers. Format. ContextOpenLayers. Format. CSWGetDomain. v2_0_2OpenLayers. Format. CSWGetRecords. v2_0_2OpenLayers. Format. EncodedPolylineOpenLayers. Format. Filter.v1OpenLayers. Format. Filter. v1_0_0OpenLayers. Format. Filter. v1_1_0OpenLayers. Format. GeoJSONOpenLayers. Format. GeoRSSOpenLayers. Format.GMLOpenLayers. Format. GML.BaseOpenLayers. Format. GML.v2OpenLayers. Format. GML.v3OpenLayers. Format.GPXOpenLayers. Format.JSONOpenLayers. Format.KMLOpenLayers. Format. OGCExceptionReportOpenLayers. Format.OSMOpenLayers. Format. OWSCommonOpenLayers. Format. OWSContextOpenLayers. Format. OWSContext. v0_3_1OpenLayers. Format. SLD.v1OpenLayers. Format. SLD. v1_0_0OpenLayers. Format. SLD/ v1_0_0_GeoServerOpenLayers. Format. SOSCapabilitiesOpenLayers. Format. SOSCapabilities. v1_0_0OpenLayers. Format. SOSGetFeatureOfInterestOpenLayers. Format. SOSGetObservationOpenLayers. Format.TextOpenLayers. Format. WCSCapabilitiesOpenLayers. Format. WCSCapabilities/ v1_0_0OpenLayers. Format. WCSCapabilities/ v1_1_0OpenLayers. Format. WCSGetCoverage version 1.1.0OpenLayers. Format.WFSOpenLayers. Format. WFSCapabilitiesOpenLayers. Format. WFSCapabilities.v1OpenLayers. Format. WFSCapabilities/ v1_0_0OpenLayers. Format. WFSCapabilities/ v1_1_0OpenLayers. Format. WFSDescribeFeatureTypeOpenLayers. Format. WFST.v1OpenLayers. Format. WFST. v1_0_0OpenLayers. Format. WFST. v1_1_0OpenLayers. Format.WKTOpenLayers. Format.WMCOpenLayers. Format. WMC.v1OpenLayers. Format. WMC. v1_0_0OpenLayers. Format. WMC. v1_1_0OpenLayers. Format. WMSCapabilitiesOpenLayers. Format. WMSCapabilities.v1OpenLayers. Format. WMSCapabilities/ v1_1_0OpenLayers. Format. WMSCapabilities/ v1_1_1OpenLayers. Format. WMSCapabilities/ v1_1_1_WMSCOpenLayers. Format. WMSDescribeLayerOpenLayers. Format. WMSDescribeLayer. v1_1_1OpenLayers. Format. WMSGetFeatureInfoOpenLayers. Format. WMTSCapabilitiesOpenLayers. Format. WMTSCapabilities. v1_0_0OpenLayers. Format. WPSCapabilitiesOpenLayers. Format. WPSCapabilities. v1_0_0OpenLayers. Format. WPSDescribeProcessOpenLayers. Format. WPSExecute version 1.0.0OpenLayers. Format.XLSOpenLayers. Format. XLS.v1OpenLayers. Format. XLS. v1_1_0OpenLayers. Format.XMLOpenLayers. Format. XML. VersionedOGCOpenLayers. GeometryOpenLayers. Geometry. CollectionOpenLayers. Geometry. CurveOpenLayers. Geometry. LinearRingOpenLayers. Geometry. LineStringOpenLayers. Geometry. MultiLineStringOpenLayers. Geometry. MultiPointOpenLayers. Geometry. MultiPolygonOpenLayers. Geometry. PointOpenLayers. Geometry. PolygonOpenLayers. Geometry. RectangleOpenLayers. HandlerOpenLayers. Handler.BoxOpenLayers. Handler. ClickOpenLayers. Handler.DragOpenLayers. Handler. FeatureOpenLayers. Handler. HoverOpenLayers. handler. KeyboardOpenLayers. Handler. MouseWheelOpenLayers. Handler.PathOpenLayers. Handler. PinchOpenLayers. Handler. PointOpenLayers. Handler. PolygonOpenLayers. Handler. RegularPolygonOpenLayers.IconOpenLayers. LayerOpenLayers. Layer. ArcGIS93RestOpenLayers. Layer. ArcIMSOpenLayers. Layer.BingOpenLayers. Layer. BoxesOpenLayers. Layer. EventPaneOpenLayers. Layer. FixedZoomLevelsOpenLayers. Layer. GeoRSSOpenLayers. Layer.GMLOpenLayers. Layer. GoogleOpenLayers. Layer.GridOpenLayers. Layer. HTTPRequestOpenLayers. Layer. ImageOpenLayers. Layer. KaMapOpenLayers. Layer. KaMapCacheOpenLayers. Layer. MapGuideOpenLayers. Layer. MapServerOpenLayers. Layer. MapServer. UntiledOpenLayers. Layer. MarkersOpenLayers. Layer.OSMOpenLayers. Layer. PointGridOpenLayers. Layer. PointTrackOpenLayers. Layer.TextOpenLayers. Layer. TileCacheOpenLayers. Layer.TMSOpenLayers. Layer. UTFGridOpenLayers. Layer. VectorOpenLayers. Layer. Vector. RootContainerOpenLayers. Layer. VirtualEarthOpenLayers. Layer.WFSOpenLayers. Layer.WMSOpenLayers. Layer. WMS.PostOpenLayers. Layer. WMS. UntiledOpenLayers. Layer.WMTSOpenLayers. Layer. WorldWindOpenLayers. Layer.XYZOpenLayers. Layer. YahooOpenLayers. Layer. ZoomifyOpenLayers. LonLatOpenLayers.MapOpenLayers. MarkerOpenLayers. Marker.BoxOpenLayers. PixelOpenLayers. PopupOpenLayers. Popup. AnchoredOpenLayers. Popup. AnchoredBubbleOpenLayers. Popup. FramedOpenLayers. Popup. FramedCloudOpenLayers. ProjectionOpenLayers. ProtocolOpenLayers. Protocol. CSW. v2_0_2OpenLayers. Protocol.HTTPOpenLayers. Protocol. ResponseOpenLayers. Protocol. ScriptOpenLayers. Protocol. SOS. v1_0_0OpenLayers. Protocol.SQLOpenLayers. Protocol. SQL. GearsOpenLayers. Protocol. WFS.v1OpenLayers. Protocol. WFS. v1_0_0OpenLayers. Protocol. WFS. v1_1_0OpenLayers. RendererOpenLayers. Renderer. CanvasOpenLayers. Renderer. ElementsOpenLayers. Renderer.NGOpenLayers. Renderer.SVGOpenLayers. Renderer.SVG2OpenLayers. Renderer.VMLOpenLayers.RuleOpenLayers.SizeOpenLayers. StrategyOpenLayers. Strategy.BBOXOpenLayers. Strategy. ClusterOpenLayers. Strategy. FilterOpenLayers. Strategy. FixedOpenLayers. Strategy. PagingOpenLayers. Strategy. RefreshOpenLayers. Strategy.SaveOpenLayers. StyleOpenLayers. Style2OpenLayers. StyleMapOpenLayers. SymbolizerOpenLayers. Symbolizer.LineOpenLayers. Symbolizer. PointOpenLayers. Symbolizer. PolygonOpenLayers. Symbolizer. RasterOpenLayers. Symbolizer.TextOpenLayers.TileOpenLayers. Tile. ImageOpenLayers. Tile. UTFGridOpenLayers. TileManagerOpenLayers. TweenOpenLayers. WPSClientOpenLayers. WPSProcessOpenLayers. WPSProcess. ChainLink
  containsBounds, OpenLayers.Bounds
  containsLonLat, OpenLayers.Bounds
  containsPixel, OpenLayers.Bounds
  contentType, OpenLayers.Format.XML
  context, OpenLayers.Style
  Context, OpenLayers.Format.Context.OpenLayers.Format
  control, OpenLayers.Handler
  Control, OpenLayers.Control.OpenLayers
  controls, OpenLayers.Map
  CORNER_SIZE, OpenLayers.Popup.AnchoredBubble
  count, OpenLayers.Console
  createControlMarkup, OpenLayers.Control.Panel
  createDocumentFragment, OpenLayers.Format.XML
  createElementNS, OpenLayers.Format.XML
  createLayer, OpenLayers.Format.WMTSCapabilities
  createParams, OpenLayers.Control.Permalink
  createRegularPolygon, OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon
  createTextNode, OpenLayers.Format.XML
  createVertices, OpenLayers.Control.ModifyFeature
  creator, OpenLayers.Format.GPX
  crossOriginKeyword, OpenLayers.Tile.Image
  css, OpenLayers.Util.vendorPrefix
  culture, OpenLayers.Layer.Bing
  Curve, OpenLayers.Geometry.Curve.OpenLayers.Geometry
{Number} Number of image elements to keep referenced in this instance’s cache for fast reuse.
calculateBounds: function()
Recalculate the bounds for the geometry.
calculateBounds: function()
Recalculate the bounds by iterating through the components and calling calling extendBounds() on each item.
calculateInRange: function()
{Boolean} The layer is displayable at the current map’s current resolution.
callback: function( infoLookup )
Function to be called when a mouse event corresponds with a location that includes data in one of the configured UTFGrid layers.
{Object} Function to be called when the read operation completes.
{String} The name of the query string parameter that the service recognizes as the callback identifier.
{String} Where a service requires that the callback query string parameter value is prefixed by some string, this value may be set.
{Object} The functions that are sent to the handlers.feature for callback
{Object} An object with start, eachStep and done properties whose values are functions to be call during the animation.
{String} Template for creating a unique callback function name for the registry.
camelize: function( str )
Camel-case a hyphenated string.
cancel: function()
Cancel the current sketch.
cancel: function()
Stop the control from measuring.
cancel: function()
Finish the geometry and call the “cancel” callback.
cancel: function()
Finish the geometry and call the “cancel” callback.
cancel: function()
Finish the geometry and call the “cancel” callback.
{Boolean} True if canvas 2d is supported.
{OpenLayers.Geometry.Point} The center of the feature bounds.
{Boolean} Should tags be checked to determine whether something should be treated as a seperate node.
{Boolean} If set to true, coordinates of features drawn in a map extent crossing the date line won’t exceed the world bounds.
{Boolean} If set to true, coordinates of features drawn in a map extent crossing the date line won’t exceed the world bounds.
{Boolean} If set to true, coordinates of features drawn in a map extent crossing the date line won’t exceed the world bounds.
{String} Name of the class added to the layer div.
clear: function()
Clear history.
clear: function()
clear: function()
Clear any rendered features on the temporary layer.
OpenLayers.Control.CacheWrite.clearCache = function()
Clears all tiles cached with OpenLayers.Control.CacheWrite from the cache.
clearMouseCache: function()
Clear cached data about the mouse position.
{Boolean} Should the selection be cleared when the control is deactivated.
{Boolean} Use a click handler for selecting/unselecting features.
Create a new click handler.
{String} The click callback to register in the {OpenLayers.Handler.Click} object created when the hover option is set to false.
{String} The click callback to register in the {OpenLayers.Handler.Click} object created when the hover option is set to false.
{Object} Options passed to the Click handler.
{Boolean} Unselect features when clicking outside any feature.
{Boolean} Unselect features when clicking outside any feature.
{Boolean} Unselect features when clicking outside any feature.
{Integer} Tolerance for the filter query in pixels.
clone: function ( obj )
Returns an exact clone of this OpenLayers.Layer.ArcGISCache
clone: function()
Clones this filter.
clone: function()
Clones this filter.
clone: function()
Clones this filter.
clone: function()
Clones this filter.
clone: function()
Clones this filter.
clone: function()
Create a clone of this geometry.
clone: function()
Clone this geometry.
clone: function( obj )
{OpenLayers.Geometry.Point} An exact clone of this OpenLayers.Geometry.Point
clone: function( obj )
clone: function ( obj )
Create a clone of this layer
clone: function ( obj )
clone: function ( obj )
clone: function ( obj )
clone: function ( obj )
Create a complete copy of this layer.
clone: function ( obj )
Create a clone of this layer
clone: function ( obj )
clone: function( obj )
clone: function ( obj )
Create a clone of this layer
clone: function ( obj )
{OpenLayers.LonLat} New OpenLayers.LonLat object with the same lon and lat values
Return a clone of this pixel object
clone: function()
Clones this rule.
Create a clone of this size object
clone: function()
Clones this style.
clone: function()
Clones this style.
clone: function()
Create a copy of this symbolizer.
{Boolean} When map pans, close the popup.
Create a new clustering strategy.
Creates a Geometry Collection -- a list of geoms.
{String} Name of featureCollection element.
commit: function()
Write out the data to a WFS server.
commit: function()
Go over the features and for each take action based on the feature state.
commit: function( features,
options )
Iterate over each feature and take action based on the feature state.
commit: function( features,
options )
Go over the features and for each take action based on the feature state.
commitReport: function( string,
response )
Called with a ‘success’ message if the commit succeeded, otherwise a failure message, and the full request text as a second parameter.
Creates a comparison rule.
{Array(OpenLayers.Geometry)} The component parts of this geometry
OpenLayers.Spherical.computeDistanceBetween = function( from,
radius )
Computes the distance between two LonLats.
OpenLayers.Spherical.computeHeading = function( from,
to )
Computes the heading from one LonLat to another LonLat.
concatChildValues: function( node,
def )
configure: function( options )
Configure the process, but do not execute it.
contains:function( x,
inclusive )
Returns whether the bounds object contains the given x and y.
contains: function( str,
sub )
Test whether a string contains another string.
containsBounds:function( bounds,
inclusive )
Returns whether the bounds object contains the given OpenLayers.Bounds.
containsLonLat: function( ll,
options )
Returns whether the bounds object contains the given OpenLayers.LonLat.
containsPixel:function( px,
inclusive )
Returns whether the bounds object contains the given OpenLayers.Pixel.
contentType: function( node )
Determine the content type for a given node.
{Object} An optional object with properties that symbolizers’ property values should be evaluated against.
Create a new parser for Context documents.
Create an OpenLayers Control.
{Array(OpenLayers.Control)} List of controls associated with the map.
{Integer} 5.
count: function()
Writes the number of times that the line of code where count was called was executed.
create: function()
Construct a request for writing newly created features.
create: function( features,
options )
Construct a request for writing newly created features.
create: function( features,
options )
Create new features into the database.
createControlMarkup: function( control )
This function just creates a div for the control.
createDocumentFragment: function()
Create a document fragment node that can be appended to another node created by createElementNS.
createElementNS: function( uri,
name )
Create a new element with namespace.
createLayer: function( capabilities,
config )
Create a WMTS layer given a capabilities object.
createParams: function( center,
layers )
Creates the parameters that need to be encoded into the permalink url.
OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon.createRegularPolygon = function( origin,
rotation )
Create a regular polygon around a radius.
createTextNode: function( text )
Create a text node.
{Boolean} Create new vertices by dragging the virtual vertices in the middle of each edge.
{String} The creator attribute to be added to the written GPX files.
The value of the crossorigin keyword to use when loading images.
function css( property )
Detect which property is used for a CSS property
{String} The culture identifier.